Projects for compensation

All our projects have undergone thorough certification and verification processes to ensure their environmental integrity. When you acquire carbon credits for compensation, you will receive a certificate within five (5) business days detailing the unique serial numbers of each carbon credit retired on your behalf. Additionally, the certificate will include the project number in the voluntary market, enhancing transparency and accountability and traceability.

Reforestation & Conservation

Nestled in Colombian rainforests, we focus on reforestation and conservation to preserve ecosystems, support carbon sequestration, protect biodiversity, and secure a sustainable future.

Price: $ 6,85

Waste transformation

Our project transforms organic matter into compost, reducing greenhouse gases and supporting sustainable agriculture, soil health, biodiversity, and community resilience.

Price: $ 6,30


Dedicated to producing renewable energy by turning waste into clean biogas. This helps reduce methane emissions and provides a sustainable fuel source for homes and businesses.

Price: $ 7,85